Saturday, March 15, 2008

For Gary

Mitzi walks the walk as world's most supportive wife ever!
Then Brian joins in...

Who's next?

Billy gets in the chair...

Mohawk for a minute!

Father and son...

Then Jeff shows his support!

No fair! Dave had a head start!


ron insana said...

Like David,

I, too, had a "head" start! CNBC will not allow me to finish the project, but I dedicate my near-total baldness to Gary!

With much love,

Ron Insana

p.s. picture to follow

JWW said...

I'm joining you in spirit.

Best to all,


03/03/1974 - 02/09/2010 said...

That's awesome!!!!!!!! That is the most beautiful gesture of support I can think of. Two thumbs up! And Billy too....very cool!...or maybe cold?

Great excuse to start wearing those cool looking beanies. Now you just need some squared horned rimmed glasses and you'd look as hip as Travis Osbourne.

Great job guys.

Kim said...

If you do get those square horn-rimmed glasses, it will harken back to the 60's in the Cieslak family. I love you guys.

~Silver said...

I find it so amazing that a family would do that for each other. My family has always been somewhat close, but always somewhat strained. It's why no one knew when my aunt had gotten breast cancer. My dad, did do that to help support a co-worker though....
It's encouraging to see a family support each other so much.

P.S.I find something slightly funny though your guys' family seems to have mostly men in your family, the majority of my family (all sides mothers, fathers, and steps) happen to be women.