Friday, February 29, 2008

The Cieslaks

It's a polish name. In Polish it's pronounced like chesh-lak. But here it pronounced see-slak. Oh how many times have I have that name mispronounced? Too many times...

Alright. Now that we have the pronunciation down, what does it mean to be a Cieslak? And who's to say? Answer: A Cieslak himself.

Perhaps I can only speak for some of the men in the family in this. But Brian, Calvin, Gary, and I all seem to share some characteristics. All four of us seem to be brilliant (not just my words) in their own way. Brian is an incredible writer. Gary is a brilliant doctor. Calvin and I are both intelligent and great writers and well. On top of that, we all seem to posess some amount of musical talent. Calvin and Brian both are skilled guitarists, and Gary and I both are skilled pianoists (plus my saxophone). If we added in Uncle Dave, we'd have nearly a full band!

But I digress. There is one more truly important thing about being a Cieslak. Through everything that I've seen of my family, it suggests that every one of us are good, intelligent, fun people. I've been blessed with quite a family...


brian said...

Humility apparently is not our strong suit...

TheEpicBeat said...

Whoa play the piano? Did I know that? Why don't I know that? Why have I not exploited that?

brian said...

Joe's a great piano player...he just lives 1500 miles from your church!