Saturday, February 23, 2008

King James Prose

While all the other authors have made their first contributions to the new family blog, I was not able to think of anything worth posting. I had read the first few entries on this page and exchanged emails with Brian and Joe regarding the orientation of literary content we were planning on having here. So far, it seems all of us have come up with some pretty good...filler. Just filling up space.

While I contemplated the nature of my first post on The Cieslaks, a remark my dad had made earlier this week at dinner echoed through my vacant mind: "I wish you guys would cut it out with the King James prose - just say what you want to say!"

This, of course, is coming from the man that always has a new vocabulary word for the family at dinner time.

I must admit that, at times, it does seem a little nonessential. So I'll try and keep the King James prose and 25 cent words to a minimum - honest.

1 comment:

brian said...

King James prose?

Has he ever read the tax code?

"Say what you mean" indeed!